RE-Powering America's Land
Re-powering America’s land is an EPA initiative that encourages renewable energy development on current and formerly contaminated lands, landfills, and mine sites when such development is aligned with the community’s vision for the site.
Locations to consider include:
Potentially Contaminated Sites (Superfund sites, Brownfields, mine site)
Landfill (Municipal Solid Waste, Construction and Demolition or similar parcels)
Underutilized (Abandoned parcels, parking lots, buffer zones)
Rooftop (Commercial / Industrial roofs)
Transitioned coal powered plants to solar facilities.
Visit the EPA Site
for more information

Q: Why Site Renewable Energy on Contaminated Lands?
A: Potentially contaminated land, landfills, and mine sites can offer significant advantages over other sites, such as open space, for renewable energy development. Some of these sites have unique attributes that can lower development costs and shorten development timeframes. Many of these properties can offer developers a unique value proposition for renewable energy deployment and the ability to:
Leverage existing infrastructure.
Reduce project cycle times through streamlined permitting and zoning.
Improve project economics with reduced land costs and tax incentives.
Gain community support through land revitalization efforts.
Protect open space.
New Mexicans for Responsible Renewables
Support New Mexico in transitioning to clean energy, while avoiding unnecessary risks to our communities and further destruction to our environment.